I have often grappled with the sentiment of purpose. A questioning thought in the forefront of my mind which followed through from my teens throughout early adulthood and has finally been answered in my more mature years of life. Many books, scientific and philosophical, conversations and debates and listening to wise gurus have led me to the conclusion I share with you now.
Purpose is our essence, the underlying real self that with time has been forgotten, neglected, rejected and suppressed due to life events, external messaging and social constructs.
Purpose is our being and what should be our truth – it is our lifeblood, and indeed the nucleus of who we are. I choose the words lifeblood and nucleus as they aptly encapsulate my thinking: if our purpose is real and forms part of our core then surely, growth, freedom and authenticity are organic and natural in what we do and say. We very much exist by default when we lose or forget our essence.
When we uncover and actively embrace the real self and love it! We can comfortably behave in line with who we are. We reject our essence, due to criticism, labels, and fear of not blending which are the symptoms of the real issue here, we believe the lies. We reject our truth – choosing rather to listen to external messaging. This leads to mere existence and internal conflict.
When we reject our real selves, we are faced with anxiety, an inner trembling of the soul, a war within ourselves that is tiresome at best and exhausting at worst. There is a constant battle between what I understand on a spiritual level and who I present (pretend) myself to be. And this is where we die on a soul level… we say yes when we mean no, lack boundaries, smile, swallow our tears, hide, and lower our voice. Conversely, we overcompensate for our suppression of essence and overextend to controlling people, places, and things. We overreact, lash out aggressively, criticise and judge others for the very thing we don’t do ourselves. Ask yourself this… how often am I in judgment of others for being different, odd or weird (negative words, which I love because it means I am doing something right). Am I not in judgement because I subconsciously desire to have the courage, peace and freedom to be just that? Comfortable in my skin and in dance with my soul?
I believe that when we go within and welcome our personal truth, embrace it as the magic of who we are, then and only then can we attain an undeniable contentment, indeed peace with who we are. It is in the acceptance and love of our core that we can genuinely communicate with others irrespective of creed and title. We can holistically and without terms and conditions understand fellow souls on this journey on earth.
For is purpose not what defines me as a human being, is it not the Ikigai that signals my time on this planet? My North Star? Are we not fellow humans, meant to behave in line with our spirit? Rather than succumbing to prescriptions of society?
This is where the concept of purpose becomes twisted, I think. I have noticed that we have replaced the idea of purpose with responsibility. This word deriving from the Latin responsus which means” to respond”. And so, we believe that our tasks, duties, action plans and timelines are our purpose… are these not the response to our purpose rather than being purpose itself? Does our spirit, life blood, and soul not determine how we respond? And in understanding our purpose, our essence and soul, do the responsibilities that flow from that not become infused with a uniqueness of how and not a tendency twoards have to’s and must’s? Surely the revelation of one’s essence leads to living life with joy and passion versus mechanical and automated responses.
I believe that our essence very much guides the how. The delivery of the message, the follow through on promises, the alignment to commitment, the enjoyment of what we do and importantly… why we do it. Aristotle, one of the most influential ancient Greek philosophers, posited that the purpose of life is to achieve eudaimonia, a state of happiness and flourishing through living virtuously. Eudaimonia translates to the state or condition of good spirit. Aristotle states further that purpose is the final reason for that function’s existence.
Irrespective of our position in society, families and organisations… our essence is what should drive us. It is the inner force behind our intentions, the energy behind our actions and the magic that is I.
Rediscover your essence, anoint your responsibilities with soul, show up as the real self, the world will adjust.

Nadia Leita
Management and Leadership Specialist
Nadia brings over 18 years of experience igniting leadership potential and personal growth.